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Tips for Email Marketing Success

Oct 01 2020

Tips for Email Marketing Success

Imagine you could automatically send all of your current or prospective customers information about your products and services — for free? If you think this sounds great, an automated email marketing campaign might be the right solution for your business. 

Despite the continued growth of social media and online advertising, email still outranks Google, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram as the most effective and affordable  advertising channel. 

Successful email marketing revolves around building relationships with customers — not simply spamming people. Attracting and building relationships with new customers is more difficult than doing so with current customers. Despite this, the key to email marketing to both is frequency. Since customers will not open all your marketing emails, it is best to send two to three per week.

A second key to success in email marketing is list-building. Emails must be opt-in, which means that customers can choose to unsubscribe at any time. That being said, you must take every opportunity to capture emails. Putting an opt-in window at the homepage of your website and sending direct mail to business owners to get their emails are great places to start.

Having a list of customers to email and sending out emails frequently to those customers is half the battle; in order to keep them interested, your email content must engage your customers. It is a good idea to gear your emails towards a certain goal, like getting referrals or reviews. In addition, both your title and opening lines must engage the consumer or they are more likely to ignore the rest of the email. Keep your emails direct and personal without overusing graphics for the best results.

Email marketing may seem complicated, but following these guidelines will help your email marketing campaign become more successful.

For more information about email marketing from the experts at Spider Marketing Group, please contact us here or call us directly at 616.406.9695.